2009 Kenyan Maize Scandal

This is an on-going scandal in Kenya that became public in January 2009, over the sale of imported maize. In late 2008, the ban on importation of maize was lifted by the government to allow capable businessmen to import maize to supplement the local produce that was short of the minimum require to satisfy the local market. The scandal alleges that the following events might have taken place.

The following ministries and departments as have been implicated:

The Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission is currently investigating the scandal but is yet to make an official report on its findings.[3].


  1. ^ "Revealed: Sh150 million maize scandal", Daily Nation, January 10, 2009. Accessed 2009-05-13. Archived 2009-07-29.
  2. ^ "Raila on the spot over contaminated maize", Daily Nation, May 13, 2009
  3. ^ "KACC questions another minister over maize scam", The Standard, February 25, 2009